Reception 2023 - 2024

Miss Lloyd

Miss Lloyd

Miss Howarth

Miss Howarth

Mrs Millichap

Welcome to Reception

In Reception the children are at the centre of everything we do. Our children’s interests are important to us and we enjoy planning experiences and activities to suit them all. 

We support our children to become self-confident, resilient and independent learners. 


Focused Teaching and Learning

In Reception we have daily phonics sessions. The children apply their knowledge of letter sounds to read and write.

In maths sessions we focus on mastering numbers up to 10. We teach one number at a time to ensure our children have a deep understanding of the number system.


Parental involvement 

We want all of our parents to feel involved in their children’s learning journey. Parents receive information about how we teach reading, writing and maths in Reception through a meet the teacher meeting early in the Autumn term. Our parents are encouraged to read regularly with their children to develop fluency. Our learning journeys are online on a program called Tapestry. Parents are able to engage with Tapestry to make links between school and home. 


General information 

-Reading books should come to school every day. Books are changed every Tuesday and Friday. 

-Please read the school newsletter for information on PE days. When it is PE, your child comes to school wearing their PE kit. 

-Phonics homework is sent home every Friday.

-Water bottles can come to school every day. Please ensure they are labelled.


School dinners and snack

Our school dinners provide a good variety including; two hot meal options as well as a jacket potato and sandwich with a choice of different fillings to satisfy many different appetites.

Children often enjoy having a snack at morning break and they can either bring in their own healthy snack or buy it in school. Please send snack money into school and store it in a safe place perhaps in an envelope or purse/wallet (toast is 20p for half a slice and a fresh fruit drink is 30p).

Milk and a piece of fruit are given to your child each afternoon (milk is provided until your child turns 5).


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Rossmore School

Red Lion Lane, Little Sutton,

Ellesmere Port, CH66 1HF

0151 329 3688

Headteacher: Mrs S E Davis-McCoy